Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Why Hair Loss in Women is More Than You Think

By Sheikh Ali Raza

Today, one of the most worrisome problem women faces is the hair loss and it is becoming a serious problem for them. This is a problem which has affected more than hundreds of million of women all around the world.

You might know that the rate of growth for our hair is about half an inch a month. The life of a normal hair is about 2 to 6 years, then after a while (taking some rest) the hair naturally re grows from the place.

The hair loss in women can be caused due to many reason, one of them is a group of hormones that disturbs the growth process or the amount of stress. The amount of these hormones such as testosterone in man body is quite high if we compare it with a women body. By the passage of time, some hairs on head die while some are not able to re produce their self or maintain a healthy hair production.

In women, medical professionals refer to a broad term, "female pattern hair loss". This is a wide term which carries enzymes, blockers and hormone receptors.

Other cause of loss of hair in women includes a female hormonal problem. Certain disorders may cause inflammation of the scalp which results to hair coming out in the form of patches or clumps, Hair loss
for women can also be affected by childbirth, surgery, stress, dieting, certain medications and some other external factors.

Now we came to know that the causes are many, and when you see a significant amount of decrease in your hairs, it is necessary for women to obtain a correct diagnosis of their condition.


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Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/

Best Hair Loss Resources

By T. D. Crawford

The Internet is a massive source of information-are there any particularly reliable sources for information about thinning hair? Yes! While there is no shortage of sites and blogs discussing this topic, there are a few that stand out among the crowd. The following sites offer dependable, legitimate, informative discussion on this important topic.

Balding Blog-This blog is linked to a hair transplant surgery center, but it offers, hands down, the best information on the entire field of thinning hair. Questions are posted by individuals and answered by a doctor. There's simply no better place to get your answers. Unlike a great many sites, the administrators here are happy to offer advice on any aspect of the condition and do not attempt to make hair transplant the solution for everything. These people really know their stuff!

Women's Hair Loss Project-This site is dedicated more to the needs of women experiencing thinning strands. It's appropriate that women should get specialized advice on this topic because there are so many health concerns that can result in this issue for women. Informative articles offer suggestions for narrowing down the causes. Assistance is given regarding whether to see a dermatologist or an endocrinologist. The site offers advice for overcoming the biological, hormonal, and cosmetic aspects. Blogs and forums offer support in dealing with concerns and issues.
Hair Loss Resource-This is a good spot for product reviews; hair transplants, hair replacement, hair treatments, products, lotions, potions, and supplements are all covered. It's good to have an outside opinion as you navigate through the endless field of products!

American Hair Loss Association-This location offers a comprehensive overview of all pertinent information. It offers information for both men and women (children too, as a matter of fact). It covers causes and treatments from medical, social, and psychological viewpoints, and offers links and articles to help you increase your knowledge and expand your support group.

Spencer Forrest is a Leading Provider of [http://www.spencerforrest.com/]Hair Loss Treatments and [http://www.spencerforrest.com/]Hair Loss Products for Men and Women Such as Toppik, Toppek, Couvre, Fullmore and the X5 Hair Laser.

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/

Best Women's Hair Loss Options

                                                              By T. D. Crawford

Women aren't supposed to lose their hair. There's a reason why it's often called our "crowning glory"-we are conditioned to believe that long, shiny, flowing tresses are a necessary part of our feminine beauty. Sadly, there's a lot of shame and stigma attached to hair loss-even more for women than for men, since it's not supposed to happen to us at all! However, there are so many options for women today. Let's discuss some of the choices.

Medications-Both minoxidil and finasteride are clinically proven to re-grow hair. Minoxidil is readily available over-the-counter, so you have the option to treat thinning hair without seeing a physician or needing a prescription. There are side effects-dizziness is one, bodily and facial hair growth is another. Each of us can determine if these apply to us, and whether the benefits outweigh these possibilities. Finasteride is prescription only, and there's a little more of a trick to this-finasteride is strictly for women who have NO chance of becoming pregnant. It is pregnancy category x, meaning that it can definitely result in severe birth defects (deformities in male fetuses). Obviously, with warnings like this, many women need to stay, literally, as far away from the pills as possible (even touching them can cause risks), but there are still a good number of women who are under no risk and may be able to use this medication to re-grow hair.

Hair Transplant Surgery
-yes, this is available for us as well! Although it's quite costly, transplant may be an even better option for women than it is for men since we're less likely to need repeat procedures. Men who undergo transplant surgery can still progress farther toward utter baldness-giving their transplant the appearance of an island in the middle of a sea of barren scull. It is more likely that we will thin at our crowns than for our hairline to recede down to our ears, so a single influx of follicles can provide great results.

Hair Replacement-this term refers to wigs or hairpieces. There has always been a subculture of wig-wearers. It is a completely acceptable method to add style and body to a woman's hair, even if she is not experiencing any thinning! The styles and forms of hairpieces are nearly endless. You have the option of finding something that makes your hair look exactly like it used to, or getting something that makes your hair look better than it ever did!

Hair Treatments-these are cosmetic products that increase the thickness or appearance of hair strands, giving a fuller look. Treatments, thickeners, and scalp concealers are all inexpensive products that give instant results. As women, we're comfortable with cosmetics that give us the appearance of fuller, longer, darker eyelashes, or unblemished skin. Perhaps it's time that we familiarize ourselves with similar products for our hair!

Spencer Forrest is a Leading Provider of [http://www.spencerforrest.com/]Hair Loss Treatments and [http://www.spencerforrest.com/]Hair Loss Products for Men and Women Such as Toppik, Toppek, Couvre, Fullmore and the X5 Hair Laser.

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?

Saturday, May 15, 2010

An Emotional Look at Baldness

By Thaddeus J Krutka

Emotionally speaking what is hair loss to you? To me hair loss is a sign of aging, a sign of time passing, loss of youth, loss of sex appeal, loss of me.

Am I founded in these thoughts and beliefs? Why do I as a man put so much emphasis on my hair. I mean really it's just hair, right?

To me and I'm sure most men out there, your sure of the fact that hair signifies all those fears I mentioned. The media shows you men with full heads of hair, none of them appear to be balding. The media plays a significant role in our perception of ourselves.

Ok so how do we overcome these negative connotations of ourselves? Find the cure to hair loss, get our hair back, or maybe acceptance of that which I cannot change.

In this day in age people are gratified instantly in almost any niche and hair loss is no exception to the rule. We want the cure, and we want it now is the sentiment. Is this founded, should this be the way it is?

In my opinion (a man who has lost some hair mind you) I think that it is of the utmost importance that we accept ourselves as ourselves. God, nature, aliens, whom ever is responsible for our creation, meant us to be a certain way. Is it right of us to go messing with that? No it is not. If we accept ourselves as we are we will live longer happier and healthier lives.

Although if you are like many who just want to have hair again, then go check out my informational website about hair loss. It provides an in depth look at some hair products out there today, and I share some stories from my life about baldness.

Thaddeus J. Krutka [http://naturallyregrowhair.org/trials-of-the-balding-man-shampoo-for-hair-loss]Shampoo for Hair Loss

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?

Friday, May 14, 2010

Coping With Hair Loss - What You Need to Know

By Jane Graison

Regardless of your opinion concerning dealing with the problem of thinning hair, it is important to avoid getting caught up in all of the hype generated by the marketing of hair loss treatments that make big promises. This will save you a lot of time and money.

If you don't know for sure why you are losing hair, you may end up doing yourself more harm than good. Medical treatments can be very harmful when used improperly or when used when they aren't really necessary.

What Should You Do First?
To avoid getting caught up in the trap of wasting time and money on something that may not work, it is important to first get to the root cause of the problem. Make an appointment with your doctor so that you can find out if a medical condition is the cause of the thinning. If that's the case, you can reverse the condition by simply treating the medial condition.

Evaluate the Products You Are Using
Another thing that you can do before purchasing treatments is to look at the products that you keep in your bathroom cabinet. Take a look at the ingredients listed on the label. Ask yourself are you using harsh chemicals that are likely to do more harm than good. If you find that your shampoos, conditioners, and gels are made mostly from chemicals, throw them away. Replace them with products that are made from natural ingredients. Look for shampoos and conditioners that contain coconut oil. This is good for the strands and follicles and it promotes growth. Olive oil is also good for the scalp and follicles and makes a great conditioner.

Be Gentle
Pay attention to the way you care for your hair. How often do you wash it, How do you comb it? Are you rough when brushing? It is very important to be gentle. Try to limit your use of products that contain heat. This includes blow dryers, curling irons, flat irons, and straightening combs. Be careful with knit caps. They cause traction that can break and damage the strands.

Prevent Hair Loss

Find Out How to Get Fuller [http://hairlosstreatmentsrevealed.com/]Stronger Hair. [http://hairlosstreatmentsrevealed.com/?cat=3/]http://hairlosstreatmentsrevealed.com/?cat=3

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Ways to Prevent Hair Loss

By Natasha Marvel

Hair loss is a commonly found issue in men and women alike and each one are in the look out for more effective treatments that can help in stimulating re-growth of their hair and prevent hair fall in future. You should first talk to your doctor about the problems so that he may be able to suggest a good, reliable treatment for you. Consulting your doctor will also help in determining the reason behind your excessive hair loss, whether due to environmental pollution or any physical ailments or hormonal imbalances. Some people may also experience hereditary hair fall. The condition behind the risk should be carefully analyzed and treated in the proper way to reduce the chance. Thus, it is very much important to understand the reasons so as to prescribe a good treatment.

Hair loss can also happen when you are taking certain types of medicines or recovering from chemotherapy. There can also be in women after childbirth or menopause. In such case, the normal growth would be restored when the body begins to recover the normal hormone levels after a particular period or time. It is due to hormonal changes can be treated with specific medications. The natural DHT hormone produced by the block is another cause as it blocks the hair follicles and hinders the normal growth of new hair or result in hair thinning. There are herbal hair stimulating products that contain active ingredients that can prevent the activity of DHT hormone and promote hair growth.

Hair loss is also usually caused due to unclean scalp. The accumulation of dirt, sweat, sebum etc can also cause excessive hair loss. In such case, it can be prevented by cleaning the scalp thoroughly with deep scalp cleansing shampoo and conditioner. This will not only help in getting rid of hardened debris on the scalp, but will also nourish the hair and stimulate enhanced hair growth. Lack of nutrition and sleeplessness can also increase the risk for hair loss.

There are so many products available today with the aim of restoring the excessive hair loss conditions. By choosing the best one, especially those that are prepared with natural, herbal ingredients are highly important to prevent any side effects. Nisim is a popular treatment product that comes with a comprehensive array of natural birofactors for safe and effective hair loss treatment within 7 days of use.

Read about [http://www.flatironexperts.com/Phyto-Hair-Products-Shampoo-Conditioner-Treatment-s/58.htm]Phyto Hair Care and [http://www.flatironexperts.com/Nisim-Haircare-s/62.htm]Nisim Hair Care from Flat Iron Experts, the online shopping site for best flat irons, curling irons etc.

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Truth About Premature Hair Loss

Robert D Hawkins

Premature hair loss conjures up the image of that unlucky individual who has the misfortune to start the balding process well before his/her time. But the statistics actually tell a different story with one of every four cases of permanent and progressive hair loss beginning before the age of 30. This number doesn't include temporary loss of hair caused by over bleaching, crash diets, harsh shampoo or any other temporary self imposed occurrence that produces balding and/or thinning. Statistics show that premature hair loss caused by male and female pattern baldness impacts over 20 million people in the United States alone. But to fully gain an understanding of why this happens we must first delve into the cause of balding and/or thinning.

Early in life you are blessed with about 100,000 scalp hairs; each one emerging from a small sac like apparatus called a follicle. Each hair replacement cycle lasts about 4 years with a daily reshuffling occurring where approximately 100 hairs are lost then replaced. When a person is experiencing premature hair loss the number of hairs replaced simply can't keep up with the number of hairs lost. For this to happen something must be getting in the way of the natural replacement cycle and in eight out of every ten cases of balding the culprit is a combination of heredity and the androgen hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

This combination is the ambitious new hairs worst nightmare. For those who are genetically predisposed to the condition DHT is converted from testosterone in the hair cell. Over time dihydrotestosterone builds up in the follicle complex causing it to begin to shrink and eventually rendering the follicle incapable or producing new growth. What's even worse, and potentially more permanent, is that many follicles die creating a virtual desert in the middle of a forest of healthy hair. If enough follicles die the only options in the future will be hair transplant surgery, toupees, custom made wigs, or acceptance of their premature hair loss will lead to extensive balding. The most extensive balding and/or thinning is usually seen on the top of the head working its way back to the crown.

What Next? If you are experiencing premature hair loss it is very important to take steps early to protect your remaining hair and to re-grow as much of your lost hair as possible. The good news is that by being younger than the average person who is experiencing balding or thinning your chances of successfully restoring lost hair is actually much better than someone in their late 40's or early 50's. There are currently a number of excellent rel=nofollow [http://purchaseremedies.com/hair-loss.html]hair re-growth products formulated to reinvigorate shrinking hair follicles, block the androgen hormone DHT, and produce new growth. If you are interested in halting male or female baldness before it reaches the point of no return prompt action is your best defense against extensive permanent premature hair loss.

R.D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic advocate of alternative natural health products and supplements with over 10 years experience. To learn more about natural remedies for better health visit [http://purchaseremedies.com]Purchase Remedies.com

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com